Shilpa Sayura Stockholm Award : Media Release
1st June 2008
Shilpa Sayura, Sri Lanka wins The Stockholm Challenge Award 2008
Stockholm, 23rd May
Contact : Niranjan Meegammana (0715 609656), Gamini Pathirana
0714 266474 – e fusion pvt ltd, 57, Wanatha Road, Gangodawilla, ND,
The Stockholm Challenge 2008 Award was awarded to Shilpa Sayura”(Sea of knowledge) Project, presented by Niranjan Meegammana, Project Director, E fusion, under education category, in Stockholm, Sweden On May 22nd 2008.

The Awards ceremony took place in the evening on May 22, in the Blue Hall, venue of the Nobel Banquet. The winning projects in each category were announced and presented with the Challenge Trophy and 5.000 Euros.
The Challenge programme 2008 has been targeting ICT for Development projects globally. Great efforts have been put into the search for excellent examples of information and communication technologies that show convincing benefits to people and communities, wide impact and proofs of future sustainability.
"The standard of the projects in the Stockholm Challenge Award this year is better than ever", says project manager Ulla Skidén and adds: "the criteria for participation have been set to a higher level compared to earlier years. Participants needed to more clearly demonstrate social impacts and sustainability with their projects in 2008. This resulted in 145 exceptional projects from more than 50 countries."
Shilpa Sayura was earlier the winner of i4D award at e India 2007 and Stockholm Challenge GKP Award at GK3 KUL, Malaysia in 2007.
Shilpa Sayura System provides an interactive means of digital Self Learning programme based on National curriculum of Sri Lanka for students in the remote and rural areas who do not have adequate resources and teachers for their education. It is a Local language Digital Learning system.
The aim of Shilpa Sayura is to improve self learning capacity of the Handicapped Students in Remote areas and rural communities to prepare for the National Examinations. Shilpa Sayura Project is a multi stake holder ICT community initiative by e fusion with the e-Sri Lanka ICTA e-Society funding.
E fusion takes this opportunity to thank all who supported to make Shilpa Sayura a Global Success. More information on Shilpa sayura is available at and 0112 802820